Monday, 20 April 2009

Spring renovation

The Spring renovation is almost over. The boat had a new fresh paint under water + the hull is waxed + the teak deck is washed.

Somewhere the next week the new teak floor is installated inside.

Plan to get the boat on water 15th of May 2009

Friday, 3 April 2009

Riga 1.4.2009
Very long driving day via Liepaja and Ventspils to Riga.

Liepaja is a small and Picturesque city near the Lithuanian border, suitable for extra stop if needed. There are not too many suitable ports in Lithuania or in Kaliningrad-region on the way down to Gdansk.

Huge port. Maybe one of the largest in the Baltic region. Only the pool in the port is so large that one can organize Tritangular Race inside the pool without the problems.

The guestport is very easy to access just on Starboard side while entering the port. Seems to be all services available too.

Next time there will be some reports about the boat itself. Preparations to set it on water etc...