So what the heck... AquilaDeux is standing on the port. Why, might the reader think?
The reason is that apparently when the better half of the skipper dropped in the sea the 26th of June (in Hanko), three of her ribs went broken (from the back, maybe because of the radical 150N pull of the lifevest). This is the simple reason for this phenomenon.
The Skipper is still hopeful to get her cured (The doctor told to be at least 6 weeks careful) and make some small trips during this exceptionally warm summer on these latitudes.
But meanwhile.... almost every day one can do some small things in the boat.
Today we washed the deck, and cleaned the boat from the interior. Tomorrow I will make the seabeds better and attach the new nets to them.
Yesterday we cruised around Helsinki to see the shores with PetitAquila (below)
Maybe the next week we try to sail somewhere east (if we get Matias The sea rebel with us).
If the weather is good we will go to Tallinn with Matias and his better part the 8th-9th of August.
... and anyway there are three more races to go. 7th, 14th and 20-22nd of August. So there will be still more adventures for this summer.