Sunday, 23 September 2012

21-22 of September - Yacht to Loviisa for wintering

On Friday the 21st we started our first part of the trip with Jaska. After two hours and thirty minutes we reached Sulkaniemi, an island owned by Merenkävijät - a sailing club we both belong to. In the evening we had some sausages grilled, sipped down with beer and finally as a dessert some Georgian Brandy. The dinner was spiced with the stories of the past summer and sailing. Saturday morning (we woke up at 11....still before noon hmm..) we had a small breakfast and somewhere at 1300 hours. What a fantastic day to sail. Felt like the last day of the summer. FInally we reached Loviisa in the sunset and left the boat to the wharf for winter. Nice day, nice trip. Thanks Jaska and Ani (for picking up)