Sunday, 23 June 2013

Midsummer magic 20-21st of June

Again we were invited at Juha's and Mari's summer hacienda near Helsinki. Traditionally we sailed there. Beautiful midsummers eve.... Supermoon was watching us from the sky magic....

There we enjoyed a nice midsummer eve and the next day with a great company, food and wine. Thanx again J&M.

By the way: the Finnish police publiced a new midsummer spell: " If you stand up drunken in your rowing boat durig the midsummer night, you migt see future widow on the shore" - blcak humor.

Thursday, 6 June 2013

2nd of June 2013 Sunday sailing...

Early Sunday morning the Skippers sis'  arrived to the boat and requested Sunday sailing. Who can deny that.

So we set our sails around Santahamina and back to the docks.

Must admit that she is quite a good deck monkey.

Thanx Mirja