Monday, 28 July 2014

27th of July finally sailing to homedocks

 The new day started almost like all days this July. Hot already from the early morning. After the famous breakfast we moved ourselves to Sulkaniemi. Just to show quickly to Ari our (Jaska and me) Yachting club base. Maybe Ari joins our great yachtclub?
 The base was totally empty. We stayed there about two hours. Jaska and Make went swimming. I myself took a nap (was a long night again...)
After leaving Sulkaniemi we set the sails finally up. First time in this trip. Quite low wind, but we were not in a hurry. Medium speed somewhere 3-4 knots. In the evenning Ari dropped me, Jaska and Make in the AquilaDeux homedocks.
Nice summer continues. So far nice tan earned.

26th of July Klamila -Bockhamn

It was a big pleasure to return to the Finnish waters from the Russian Territory. 

The next day we had a good breakfast (Ari always includes eggs and bacon + superb coffee in the breakfast). 

The whole day we had beautiful weather, but unfortunately direct wind from W-SW as we say in Finnish "päihin tulee". We had to steam the whole day up.

We overnighted in the beautiful public resting place Bockhamn in the island of Byön in the commons of Pernaja. Always a pleasure to stay there.

We set a fire in the fireplace and grilled some pork that was served with creamy Chantarel sauce (self picked) and potatoes and salad. Sipped down with Medoc. Great food. I think comparable for good Restaurant (or better...). Nice Company, heroic stories and perfect evening.

Saturday, 26 July 2014

25th of July Nuijamaa - Vyborg - Santio -Klamila

Early Morning start and  the next five locks through ¨Russian¨ territory. Then we passed Vyborg (an old Russian city, liberated from Finnish fascist white bandits 1944 By heroic Red army - gosh) and had about 40 nm march with engine agains the waves towards Finland.

Small chat with friendly russian gunboat (radio njet rabotajet baterii kaputt!)  in the sea border and then we were again in Santio, Finland. Jippi jaicha yeah!

Finally we went to Klamila nearby Hamina to sleep overnight. Was nice and long Sunny day.

24th july, Lappeenranta - Nuijamaa

The crew arrived in Lappenranta where the Skipper Ari waited with nice portions of fried vendice plus potato mush. the meal was on the famous restaurant steamboat ¨prinsessa Armaada¨. 10 points for the food.

After the meal we disembarked the yacht and set our nose to Nuijamaa through first three locks of Saimaa channel. The trip took around three hours and finally we rested in Nujamaa.
Rested and rested.... what do the old friends do after seeing a long time. We spent some wine and time for complete lifestories.
human is human

Wednesday, 23 July 2014

From tomorrow the blog continues from the deck of Prima Inter Pares

Petri, Jaska and Make will join "Prima Inter Pares" (Sunbeam 34) from Lappeenranta to Helsinki via the Saimaa Channel. The yacht is owned By Ari who is inseparate part of AquilaDeux crew (was in the great Baltic tour 2009 and Saimaa tour 2011).

Our tour will be roughly Lappeenranta-Nuijamaa-Hamina-Loviisa-Helsinki

Livedata via satellite will follow.

Monday, 21 July 2014

20th of July back to the home docks

After the morning Mirja had to leave from Porkkala back home. After waiting some thunderstorms passed we sailed (steamed actually) together with Marsa to Helsinki.

We reached the home docks at 20.00. Sunny day, no rain no storms,
 Somehow nice and the same time sad the sailing trip for this summer is over. Luckily there are a lot of sailing days left for the rest of the summer and - of course - HTR!
Now you know what Santa Claus is doing in the summer (the skippers beard turned white in the sun).

19th of July Rosala - Porkkala! Fantastic sailing day

 After good breakfast in Rosala we set our nose back to the east. In the front of Hanko we finally got wind. We practically sailed the whole day. Then we noticed that guest harbors nearby Barösund were full or unreachable. We decided to go towards Porkkala.

Long and beautiful day. Porkkala was reached at 00.30. Thank you ladies for patience!

In Porkkala we had nice last night drink on the deck.

18th of July Hanko-Rosala

When waking up in the morning the feeling was somehow ... tired, no energy at all. Luckily Mirja was in the condition to drive the yacht to Rosala, where we had a possibilty to taste the famous Rosala bread with herring and potato / Kalle's Kaviar. Tasty.

Thursday, 17 July 2014

17 th of July - towards Hanko

The Morning was beautiful but practically totally without wind. So after we woke up (7.00) we engined towards Hanko through Tammisaari archipelago.

We reached Hanko's Itämeren Portti at 12.30. Fine warm day.

In the evening the girls surprised the skipper By taking him out for a reggae concert. The finnish reggae star Jukka-poika had a concert in Hangon Casino.

Fun evening. The first GT was wonderful...  but the next morning....

Wednesday, 16 July 2014

Peaceful last night in Tallinn and then back to Finland the 16th of July 2014

The crew arrived at 10.00. We set sails to Peinsula of Porkkala where we enetered inner Waters.

The wind was s-sw 6-9 m/s. We sailed almost the whole day until we anchored in Barosund Sale docks at 22.30. Finally shower again! Thanx mirja and Marsa for the great day.

Tuesday, 15 July 2014

15.7.2014 Still waiting for the crew

Nice warm days To Stay in Tallinn. Tomorrow the mini Crew Will arrive. Estimated time To Leave at noin. Light fair Wind forecasted.

Sunday, 13 July 2014

12th of July To Tallin - record speed!

After collecting the crew (Pasi and Ipu) we set the sail to Tallin at 5.40 am The wind blew from East in the beginning between 6-8 m/s. Fair wind. Later it little bit shifted to E-SSE and also raised to 9-12 m/s (highest peaks to15 m/s). Fast trip.
We reached our top speed almost to 9 knots. in general we sailed stable 7 knots.
Pirita Yachtclub in Tallin was reached at 13.00 (moored). It was aq2 record time to Tallinn.

In the evening we went to the city to have dinner in Pegasus bar. Great athmosphere and food + nice personal service. Afterwards we enjoyed beer and football int he city bar. Neatherland won the World Champions bronze agaunst the weak Brasil! Nice evening. Good game!
The next Morning Pasi and Ipu returned to Helsinki with catamaran. I stay in Tallinn to wait for the next crew that arrives on Wednesday the 16th.