Friday, 25 June 2010

Happy Midsummer

Strange how the time flies. Last Summer we spent the midnight somewhere on the open sea - not seeing - but smelling the midsummer-fires of eastern Sweden.

Now we are safely Nearby Tammisaari, enjoying the rain (almost tradition). Did some shopping in the morning in the City, already visited Sauna.

In the evening we will smoke some fresh fish from the sea (we got plenty of them with "katiska").

Officially the "longest day is the 21st of June, but tonight the Finns (and other northern people) will have a festival for it. It has long roots before Christianity. Now the festivities are for the "John the babtist" but roots are pagan.

Tonight, the young ladies can see their future husband from the reflection of the spring, tonight everywhere there are huge bonfires around Baltic sea and Scandianavia. Tonight people get drunk. Tonight it is important for Finnish youngsters to get laid...

Tonight is just one of the most important parties of the year. The festivities of Juhannus.


  1. Hyvää Juhannusta Högsårasta!

    Toivoopi Lotta

  2. Moi Lotta. Tullaan varmaan maanataina Högsåraan jos vaan mahtuu...
