Sunday, 4 August 2013

3rd - 4th August - weekend in Tallinn

 The Skipper's sis and her children (four!) joined the sailing team and packed themselves in the boat already on the Friday evening to have a fresh start early next morning to Tallinn.
 The Skipper woke at 4.30 and the mooring ropes were disconnected at 5.00. As you can see from the pic - there was absolutely no wind - dead calm. Somehow half an hour later we got some wind and so we set the sails on.

We sailed until Helsinki lighthouse, where we realized that unfortunately we have to start an engine to get at time in Tallinn - the ports can be full. Actually we got the last place in the Tallinn old city Harbour (in the middle of the city!). In the marine we joined Skipper's brother and his Family + good ole Mama. In the evening the group collected themselves in the restaurant Controvento (Excellent ***** experience -with Ripasso wine. Nice company - good night sleep!

 The port was full of Nice yachts around Europe: From Finland, Sweden, Germany, Poland Neatherlands (in the picture- fantastic teak design), Russia GB.... etc... probably one of the busiest weekends in the summer (as we know the northern summer is short - but full of light and good feelings).
After waking up freshly the next morning we started the transportattion back to Helsinki. Somewhere at 11.00 a.m next to the Tallinn lighthouse very thick fog appeared and made the moving a little bit more careful - luckily the AIS-radar was installed and worked! The wind raised in the International waters blew and  the fog away. Then we were even lucky to get some wind to try the sails too! We arrived in Helsinki from beautiful Kuninkaansalmi gateway. At 16.45 we moored the Yacht to home docks.

Thanx Mirja & Family. Nice trip + good food & company.

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